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School’s eco-actions nets B.C. recognition

Dover Bay Secondary School was one of the winners in the third annual B.C. Green Games, Science World’s provincewide contest that rewards students’ eco-actions.

The school, one of dozensof winners from across the province, won $1,000.

“We continue to be inspired by the students who participate in B.C. Green Games,” said Pauline Finn, vice-president of community outreach with Science World. “They show us all what can be accomplished when you not only talk about being eco-conscious, but take action to be green.”

The winning entry from Dover Bay focused on the Eco Club’s work with biologist Charles Thirkill to restore habitat around streams to repopulate coho salmon.

The video, available on the B.C. Green Games website, depicts spawning adult salmon that look like fire glowing in the water.

All projects can be viewed at Participants are encouraged to celebrate their projects on or before Earth Day in their own communities.