With the school year coming to a close, it’s time to start thinking about summer activities for youth.
Sogo Active wants to help get youth active this summer by offering communities a chance to apply for grants of up to $500 to support physical activity challenges, or up to $250 to support an active event.
Sogo Active is a $5-million, five-year national program sponsored by Coca-Cola Canada and created and managed by ParticipACTION.
The program works to inspire youth to be more active by providing the tools and funding for facilities, equipment, and resources needed to support physical activity.
In April, 23 local organizations representing numerous B.C. communities received nearly $10,000 to support activities such as floor hockey, basketball, block parties and dodge ball events – all with the common goal of motivating youth to be physically active.
Communities are encouraged to learn more by going to sogoactive.com.