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Flowers aid cancer fight

A purchase of a bouquet of flowers at Country Grocer between Sunday (April 24) and May 8 will help fight the battle against breast cancer.

The grocery chain is donating proceeds from all sales to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation B.C./Yukon Division.

“Our goal is to sell as many Bouquets of Hope at every Country Grocer location we can,” said Peter Cavin, director for Country Grocer. “We decided as a group to support the CBCF in a large manner this year so we’re really excited about this promotion. This is the third year for a great partnership.”

All of the flowers used in the bouquets are grown on Vancouver Island by Eurosa Gardens.

The foundation is currently working toward its ultimate goal – 2020: The Future Without Breast Cancer.

That plan works on five key strategies to eliminate the disease including prevention, health-care workforce, early detection, treatment and research.

Established in 1986, Country Grocer is based on Vancouver and Salt Spring islands where it operates six stores with 550 employees.

Nanaimo’s Country Grocer is at 1399 Lawlor Road.