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Community members in Ladysmith collecting thousands of rolls of toilet paper for charity

Arts council partners with secondary school on charity drive
Ladysmith Secondary School students and staff collect 650 rolls of toilet paper for the Ladysmith Food Bank as part of a February ‘Love’ campaign. Showing some of the donation are, back row, left to right, Solveig Lossin, Sophia Toye, Loruin Mendez, Maisie Carlos, Jorie Benjamin and Tessa Massey; and front row, left to right, principal Stephen Epp, student council liaison Jennifer Fink, and vice-principal Shelley Gvojich. (Duck Paterson photo)


It isn’t just an art project, and it’s turning out to be an overwhelming success for the Ladysmith and District Arts Council.

The arts council is holding its ‘Love’ campaign this month.

“We began this project as part of our ‘Love’ program which is a literary project, for the month of February, for writers expressing themselves in poetry,” said the arts council’s past-president Kathy Holmes. “This year we added the thought that maybe the food bank could use some love, too.”

The arts council got in touch with Kathleen Hall, art teacher at the Ladysmith Secondary School, to see if her art classes would be interested in creating valentines that could be given to the clients of the Ladysmith Resources Centre and the food bank.

“They heard the call and created over 50 beautiful valentines,” Holmes said. “Not to be outdone, over 110 artists at the arts council created valentines. In total, there was almost 200 Valentine cards created to be handed out.”

Holmes said through discussion with the resources centre, a real need for toiletries was recognized.

“Starting at town council table with several council members handing cash over, we were able to purchase our first cases of toilet paper at cost from Pharmasave,” Holmes said.

A creative fabric art group called the Woolies as well as the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 606 donated more toilet paper. Members of the LSS student council got on board and started a campaign at the school, challenging students and staff to get out and collect products or cash to purchase hygiene products.

“I am overwhelmed and on the verge of tears and have so much gratitude for principal Stephen Epp and all the staff and students for helping with this project at Ladysmith Secondary and showing their love and community spirit,” said Holmes.

The high school’s two-week drive collected 650 rolls of toilet paper, and Holmes stated that by the end of the month, the Love campaign anticipates collecting almost 3,000 rolls their very first time trying.

Save-On-Foods store manager Bill Coghlan said that the supermarket will continue with a break of half price on 48-roll packs of TP to help make the outcome of the drive even better.

The arts council wants to complement the toilet paper donation with non-perishable food donations, and will be collecting canned goods, particularly salmon, tuna, soup and fruit – preferably with pull-top lids – until Feb. 29.

READ ALSO: Ladysmith asked to show the love for charitable campaign