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APPLAUSE: Resident comes through for barnyard

NANAIMO – Donation allows Nanaimo 4H Barnyard to operate for another season.

To the Editor,

Murray McNab has come to the rescue of the Nanaimo 4H Barnyard with a generous donation of $1,000  to the Cedar Four H District.

This enables the 4H Barnyard to again be a valuable addition to the tourist scene and education of  children and city adults about agriculture for one another  year.

The Nanaimo-Cedar  Farmer’s Institute wishes to thank Murray for picking up the slack as  the barnyard at Beban Park has been a long standing and valuable fixture in Nanaimo that has had its funding cut by the City of Nanaimo and was in danger of being unable to function for the 2013 season.

Even a casual investigation proves the benefits the barnyard has provided to youth in animal care and public relations for the  4H members taking responsibility for the animals and meeting the public who visit.

There is also the aspect that there is  an ever increasing number of people living in cities who have no other opportunity to see and interact with live farm animals and birds.

Keith Wyndlow

Nanaimo Cedar

Farmer’s Institute