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Pulp mills get break to save energy

Pulp mills get break to save energy

Province unveils $100 million to help industry finance conservation projects as power rates hikes loom
Lumber, pellet mills still have dust hazard

Lumber, pellet mills still have dust hazard

Sawmill wood dust compliance has increased to 85% in latest inspections, but pellet and OSB mills have work to do
Don't rush Site C dam, mayor urges

Don't rush Site C dam, mayor urges

The community most affected by the proposed third dam on the Peace River is urging the B.C. government to get more answers
Island bid for LNG plant moves ahead

Island bid for LNG plant moves ahead

Gas line right-of-way and treaty settlement advantages may close gap between northeast B.C. gas and Port Alberni

CHAMBER CHAT: Chamber of Commerce leads annual parade

NANAIMO – Chamber of Commerce object of annual salute at Nanaimo Marine Festival.
Pellet plant proposed for Nanaimo

Pellet plant proposed for Nanaimo

NANAIMO – TimberWest considers Duke Point as prime location for $60-million pellet manufacturing plant.
Fund benefits tech start-ups

Fund benefits tech start-ups

NANAIMO – VIVA Fund, launched in Nanaimo last week, connects startup tech companies with investors.

ECONOMIC UPDATE: Discussion highlights need to attract and retain talented staff

NANAIMO – Vancouver Island University represents a wealth of fresh talent.

Anti-spam law coming into effect Tuesday

New anti-spam law won't put a stop to all unwanted emails, says legal expert
Bedroom store celebrates 25 years

Bedroom store celebrates 25 years

NANAIMO – John's Bedroom Barn kicks off its 25th anniversary with an open house Saturday (June 28).