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CAR CARE: Well-worn tires a danger

Changing winter tires back over to all seasons isn’t just for esthetics – it can mean a lot for your vehicle’s performance.

Spring is also a good time to see whether it’s time to re-tire. Assess the following to make sure your tires are road-ready:

Tread depth – Check the tread grooves to ensure they have not worn down to 15 millimetres or less.

Irregular tread wear – Irregular tread wear causes high and low areas or unusually smooth areas on the tire. Often tires will have built-in tread wear indicators that appear across the tread when it is time to replace the tire.

Embedded objects – Nails, stones, glass or other sharp objects can cause leaks or more serious problems for the tire and need to be looked at and assessed by a mechanic to determine if the tire is salvageable or dangerous to drive on.

Sidewalls – Extreme wear, bulges, holes or slits to the tire sidewall can make the tire no longer fit properly to the rim.

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