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Snowplowing a winter classic

To the Editor,

Re: City has plowing options available to avoid snow piling up in driveways, Letters, Jan. 15.

It’s a winter classic, it snows, you shovel the driveway and sidewalk, then the plow comes by and you start again. There is no easy answer.

If people want the roads cleared quickly, the plow operators have to move as fast as possible. Even if all of the plows are equipped with diversion gates to help blocking cleared areas, these are mechanical devices and it takes a few seconds for them to move into and out of the blocking position.

In the city, where the driveways are spaced relatively close together, the plows have to move slower to give the diversion gates time to get in and out of position.

So either people accept that it will take longer to clear the roads or live with the way things are done now.

R. Tiegen
