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No place for social housing near parks

To the Editor,

Re: City eyes additional parkland protection, Jan. 22.

According to Coun. Sherry, Nanaimo citizens covet their parkland and he wants to have better protection from development than current zoning bylaws provide.

A few years ago, the city removed the parking lot beside the duck pond because of illicit activities there. That was a good move.

Now the city, in its questionable wisdom, is proposing housing for active drug addicts and alcoholics adjacent to Bowen Park West field.

This proposal has caused the citizens of Nanaimo who covet parks, especially Bowen Park, to have concerns over park use.

Many children and adults use Bowen Park West for league games. Many families use Bowen Park for daily activities, including walking children and dogs and swimming.

Housing for addicted persons is not needed adjacent to city parks, nor in established neighbourhoods.

E. Nielsen
