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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Musician fondly remembers singing lieutenant-governor

Former B.C. lieutenant-governor Iona Campagnolo died last week at the age of 91
Iona Campagnolo, inspects uniforms when she was B.C. lieutenant-governor, before giving the speech from the throne at the B.C. legislature in Victoria in 2006. (Deddeda Stemler/The Canadian Press)

To the editor,

Re: B.C.’s first female lieutenant-governor, Iona Campagnolo, dies at 91, April 5.

I met Iona Campagnolo just once. It was spring 2006. Campagnolo was lieutenant-governor and my wife, Elizabeth Shefrin, was nominated for a B.C. Book Award. The ceremony was held at Government House and presided over by the LG.

Elizabeth and I were about halfway down the line. Campagnolo came in and made her way steadily along, shaking hands and exchanging a few words. When she came to me, I held out my hand and said I was Bob Bossin. For the first time, Campagnolo stopped. She looked at me, rather mischievously I thought, and she said, “I was driving over the Malahat, listening to CBC, and I had to pull off the road, I was laughing so hard.” Then she sang – she actually sang – “It’s so nice not to be in Nanaimo.”

The lieutenant-governor, singing my song lyrics “It’s so nice not to be in Nanaimo.” I consider it one of the highlights of my career.

A codicil: Several years later I received a call from a young woman who was putting together a summer show about Nanaimo at the Port Theatre. She wanted to use my song, but added sheepishly, would I mind if they made a slight change in the lyric? You guessed it: they wanted to take out the word ‘not.’

I said sure.

Bob Bossin, Gabriola Island

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