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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Crime spreading city’s emergency services thinly

The soft approach to dealing with those who have mental issues, drug issues, etc., is not working
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To the editor,

Re: Supportive housing isn’t fair, Letters, Feb. 15.

I would like to know if only a select few are noticing elements such as a recent News Bulletin story that crime is up in Nanaimo, then all the stories in the news how innocent people, children, pets are being pricked by discarded needles. A comment in the Beefs and Bouquets section about an individual leaving drug paraphernalia beside a path in Linley Valley. A letter written in the paper about witnessing drug deals near a supportive housing complex in the Uplands area near a seniors’ complex, with car break-ins and theft having risen since its opening. Our downtown area is overrun by transients and store owners being bullied and threatened.

Apparently the soft approach to dealing with those who have mental issues, drug issues, etc., is not working. All that is happening is innocent people are being affected by not being able to enjoy the city streets, parks, even their homes because of a small percentage of drug-addicted individuals.

The letter about these people belonging in a mental facility and or closed-door detox centre is absolutely right. A special area in a prison even. Opening such a facility may be cheaper than hiring and paying for more paramedics, fire service calls, police and having our hospital constantly overrun from people who choose to damage themselves, leaving services thinly spread for those who are injured or sick and our elderly vulnerable population.

D. Cousin, Nanaimo

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