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Beefs & Bouquets, Feb. 21

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
Beef. As I was having a pleasant chat with a security guard at a liquor store who mentioned problems with theft, someone placed three bottles of wine under their arm and walked out. All the security guard could do was call the police.

BOUQUET To the couple at Costco who let us join them to eat our pizza when there were no other seats – especially since it was their date night and they still got to hang out with a talkative six-year-old.

BEEF To the impatient drivers of Nanaimo. Thanks to one of you, my daughter has a concussion plus whiplash and is struggling getting through university classes. Was saving two seconds going around a stopped bus worth it? When will drivers learn to slow down, leave earlier, etc.?

BOUQUET To my friend Gladdy, who shared her best way to remove stains. Let very hot water run through, if the stain is not gone, scrub a little Dawn dish soap, then more hot water. This remedy hasn’t failed me yet.

BEEF To the RCMP officer on a motorcycle who did an illegal right turn with no lights or siren onto the parkway at Jingle Pot Road south. If I did that I would get a ticket. When you do that, you help to perpetuate the negative stereotype that police think they are above the law.

BOUQUET To the staff at Pro Stitch Nanaimo. Excellent craftsmanship, excellent customer service.

BEEF As I was having a pleasant chat with a security guard at a liquor store who mentioned problems with theft, someone placed three bottles of wine under their arm and walked out. All the security guard could do was call the police. I believe when the police arrived the suspect was long gone.

BOUQUET Thanks to everyone who tipped your Door Dashers. And thanks for leaving your lights on and keeping your walkways clear when we’re delivering in the dark. We aim to please. See you on the next delivery.

BEEF To local drivers who don’t understand, or refuse to practise proper right of way on our roads. Stop being nice and letting other drivers in, or go in situations where it isn’t their turn, especially at four-way stops. All you’re accomplishing is creating more confusion between people who are already confused to begin with.

BOUQUET I had the pleasure of attending a Vancouver Island Symphony show featuring Rick Scott and conducted by Cosette Justo Valdés. The children in the crowd, the next generation, without much coaxing from Rick, voiced and sang along with the children’s choir on stage, which was outstanding. Congratulations to everyone for putting on such a great show. Shows like this are needed to introduce our symphony to the younger ones.

BEEF To the driver of a blue Toyota Tacoma who followed me, parked behind me, and rolled down your window to yell at me that my blinker was out. Thanks tips. I had driven my vehicle to get its blinker fixed. I was parked outside the repair shop. Does following a vehicle, and then yelling at a five-foot-tall woman make you feel like a big man?

BOUQUET To my neighbours. Thank you for staying out of my business unless asking for help.

BEEF The lab’s online check-in is very inconvenient. I went eight minutes before my appointment, waited in line 30 minutes, and did not get my blood taken for another 25 minutes. So inefficient. Why not call people’s name at their appointment time? Elderly people were waiting in line and they were very stressed out.

BOUQUET To Ryan at Hullo. Your kindness and compassion has brought instant results. Thanks again from a very grateful senior.

BEEF To the construction company using a jackhammer in the Rock City area. The incessant pounding has contributed to a significant loss of my marbles. As a result I’m two kilos closer to my ideal weight.

BOUQUET To the staff and security guards at Save-on-Foods Brooks Landing. Thank you for always being helpful and treating your customers with respect and kindness.

BEEF Surprise! Why do city council members think they can shove anything down the throats of the south end? Now we know why the business was turned down, and the new tenants won’t need new turn signals at the Tenth Street intersection.

BOUQUET To the nice woman who handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers at the bank yesterday to brighten my day. You sure did, thank you so much.

BEEF To all those people driving big long trucks who try to squeeze them into parking spots like the mall, supermarket or at banks. You’re three feet or more into the laneway and parked so crooked that you are taking up two spots. This is a sense of entitlement. Just stop it. You know who you are.

BOUQUET To family-run, local businesses; especially Nesvog Meats and Sausage Co. for its fresh, delicious meats and deli products and fast, friendly service. One of the best local businesses in Nanaimo, with lots of local Vancouver Island products as well as interesting, hard-to-get imports.

BEEF To Prime Minister Trudeau for appealing a court decision on the Emergencies Act before appointed judges. How will that work out?

BOUQUET To neighbours who gave an encouraging word. Another bouquet for the supervisor of our building’s manager for clearing up a misunderstanding and putting my family at ease. Beef to mysterious neighbour who left a rude note on my door. Not only is your act cowardly, you have the wrong person. Shame on you.

BEEF Thank you to the gentleman who helped me down the stairs at the Port Theatre. I was too busy to thank you properly.

BOUQUET I escaped from the casino 20 long years ago, now I’m free. No more food banks.

BEEF The health clinic opened but is not taking new patients. What? We need doctors. What, really, is the plan? I’d love to know.

BOUQUET To those responsible for installing a bus shelter in the vicinity of the Real Canadian Superstore. It’s not only new, but updated and large. Thank you.

BOUQUET To the 7-10 Club for tirelessly looking for a facility to serve soup and sandwiches to Nanaimo’s needy. Citizens of Nanaimo, can you help?

BEEF To local government for continuing to waste taxpayers’ money on frivolous and non-essential projects while the really serious problems are still on the back burner. Do the right thing.

BOUQUET To the caregivers of the very small preschoolers they take on walks along Bowen Road. These little ones are holding on to the safety rope and sometimes a couple of multi-seat strollers filled with even more children are with them. They always bring a smile to the face of this senior.

BEEF To all those trying to represent their cause on the pedestrian overpass near Long Lake. Stop desecrating the Canadian flag by displaying it upside-down. My grandfather, like so many others fought for that flag, knee deep in blood and bones. Breaks my heart to think others might associate me with your ideology every time I want to display my flag. You sure don’t represent the Canada I want.

BOUQUET To all those residents who still have their outdoor Christmas lights on. It sure brightens up the neighbourhoods and it must be delightful for dog walkers.

BEEF To the Regional District of Nanaimo for even thinking of raising the budget 13 per cent. Enough is enough already.

BOUQUET To all the staff at TD Bank on Bowen Road. Always so helpful and kind. The tellers are wonderful. My favourite bank.

BEEF To the students and teachers for having no problem with cellphones in the classroom because they say it’s necessary, but for what?

BOUQUET To 1-800-Got-Junk for getting rid of the backed-up garbage and recycling. Beef to the garbage and recycling pickup, it should always be picked up to prevent overflow.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo for increasing our property taxes again. They are way too high already. Also, they are trying to push though a new $160-million works yard without a public referendum.

BOUQUET We had the opportunity to see the play Annie at VIU. Thank you to the NDSS theatre group for doing such a great production. Thank you to the actors, to the puppy, to the lighting and sound crew, to the stage manager. Every thing was exceptionally done well. It was obvious how much work went into it and anyone who worked on it should be very proud. Will be looking forward to next year’s production.

BEEF To the beefer about rats. Cats, at least the domesticated ones, do not kill rats, they are afraid of them as they are almost as big as some cats. And cats that roam outside kill more birds than rats or mice.

BOUQUET To Dr. Tyler of Winchelsea Veterinary Services for helping us with the difficult task of ending the life of our beloved old, sick cat.

BEEF To the sport administrator who always manages to give himself a strong team. Are you that desperate to win a medal?

BOUQUET To the kooks who write in and provide entertainment for this section.

BEEF To those people who cross the street without looking to the left or right. I was driving on Front Street when a woman crossed the street right in front of my car. She never looked to see if there was a car. Any closer and I would have hit her.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo News Bulletin for your valuable voice as a community newspaper. Responsible journalism as opposed to the harmful rhetoric on social media.

BEEF To the neighbour who told me they let their rooster out in the very early-morning hours to spite their neighbours. Now that I know this, I have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror. How do you do it?

BOUQUET To the local neighbourhood citizens who help to caretake Linley Valley. The individual time, energy and effort that is put in to help upgrade or clear trails as well as pull invasive species is noticed and appreciated by so many. The collective efforts for maintaining this breathtaking park are inspiring. Thank you.

BEEF To pet owners who spends thousands of dollars on a specific breed, then ask for online donations when vet bills arise. Maybe you should spend your money on rescuing an animal in need and then you would have the money to pay the vet bills.

BOUQUET To AvantSleep Nanaimo. Excellent customer service, always. Thank you Niki and Jessica.

BEEF To Nanaimo city council No doubt the public works facility needs updating. $48.5 million would likely do it but that’s only Phase 1. The total cost is estimated at over $160 million. That’s not an ‘upgrade,’ that’s a deluxe replacement.

BOUQUET To Departure Bay Auto for their usual great service and advice. This last visit, in particular, you also provided me with peace of mind.

BEEF To everyone who complains about tax spending, roadways, homeless encampments and/or everything else. We as citizens have allowed this because we expect that someone else will deal with it. All of us armchair prophets who complain but don’t vote because it won’t make a difference, it’s time to start. Pay attention to your taxes and where your money is going. You do have a voice, an opinion, you can make a difference.

BOUQUET To whoever put the please pick up your dog poo signs back up after the snow had knocked them over.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail