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Palmer, Carl, Lloyd BERGUIST

June 14, 2002

berg qu ist, Palm er Carl Lloyd, March 25, 1910 - June 14, 2002 ’Best a far’ passed away peace ful ly Fri day morn ing at Keep ing House Na nai mo. He be longed to several or gan i za tions over his long life, in clud ing the En ter tain ers, The Over-the-Hill Bil lies, the Bo wen Park Sen iors, the Moose Lodge and the Na nai mo Com mun i ty Sen iors So cie ty. A Memo ri al Tea will be held July 6, 1-4pm, at the Moose Lodge, 1356 Cran ber ry Street, Na nai mo, B.C. Friends wel come. He will be sore ly missed. Please pass the word as I may miss someone who would like to know. In lieu of flow ers, do na tions to the BC Yu kon Heart Stroke Foun da tion would be wel come. Please con tact daugh ter Jaen for more in for ma tion if re quired at (604)522-4295.

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